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At Woodcot Primary School, we have a school uniform because we believe a consistent uniform approach increases children’s sense of belonging and self-esteem, impacting positively on behaviour. It also puts the children in the right frame of mind for working. Additionally, it ensures that pupils are not differentiated from one another because of the clothes they wear to school. We are proud of how smart the children look. Our PE uniform ensures the same consistent high standards, every day of the week. We have carefully considered the uniform list ensuring that it is readily available and reasonably priced.

School Uniform
  • Gold or white polo shirt
  • Grey or black trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafore dresses
  • Yellow gingham dresses can be worn in the warm weather
  • Black shoes (black trainers without logos are permissible) - all shoes should be low heeled
  • Plain coloured flat sandals are permitted in the summer term (no flipflops)
  • Burgundy sweatshirt or cardigan (ideally with the school logo)
  • Book bag (ideally with the school logo)

Please note: a small bag can be brought into school if your child is not using a school book bag 

PE Kit

Children need to come into school wearing their PE kit, on their PE days. They will wear their PE kit all day. This will allow the children to spend more time engaging in physical activity. Our school PE kit is:

  • House coloured t-shirt (school logo optional)
  • Plain black shorts
  • Plain black plimsolls or trainers
  • Plain black jogging bottoms
  • Plain black zipped hoodie

Please note: Logos, stripes, designs and pictures should not be worn on clothes or footwear


Hairstyle and hair colour should not follow extremes of fashion. We suggest that long hair should be tied back if possible. One natural colour, grade 2 or longer.


NO jewellery is permitted other than a single pair of ear-studs for children who have had their ears pierced. The school cannot accept any responsibility or liability for mislaid personal jewellery. To help keep your child safe, earrings need to be removed for PE lessons. Children will need to be able to do this for themselves. We suggest that earrings are not worn at all on PE days.

Nail Varnish & Make up

Children should not wear nail polish or make up to school.

Fashion Accessories

Fashion accessories should not be worn to school.

Labelling Clothing

Please make sure all items are clearly named.

Uniform Supplier

Uniform Supplier Skoolkit are our current uniform supplier. They supply our school cardigans, sweatshirts, PE t-shirts and book bags with our school logo on. They have a shop in Fareham or you can order their products on-line.

Pre-loved Uniform

We want to make sure that all children have smart uniform. If you are struggling with obtaining some items of uniform, please talk to our Family Support Co-ordinator, Mrs Wood, who might be able provide you with some items from our Pre-loved Uniform Hub. Mrs Wood can be contacted via the school office.