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Hampshire County Council support our admissions process. Should you require an appeal then the Hampshire appeals process applies. Please follow the link to Hampshire County Councils admissions procedures below.

Please click here to view our Admissions Policy.

If you wish to change your child's school mid way through the school year, due to a house move for example, you will need to complete an in-year application form. You must use the accompanying  'Application For A School Place In-year' form and return it to your preferred school.

Alternatively you can apply online at You will receive a reply in writing from the school, normally within 10 school days.

Please click on the link below to make a late application

Please click on the link below to read more about Hampshire County Councils School Admissions Policy

If a parent is unsuccessful with any of their preferences for admission, they will have the right of appeal to an independent appeal panel and will be provided with the relevant documentation and advice by the LA's Admissions Service.  We follow the Hampshire County Council appeals timetable - please follow the link below.